Hunting Season, before the scout.
You got the tags you put in for, you've figured out the logistics. X number of miles in from the airstrip, 8 days, three friends, 10 days of food, just in case. You're planning the hunt, but first, the scout. Be the hunter, find the prey. Shakedown your gear before the hunt. Be prepared. Now is the time to fix those nagging issues from last years hunt.
Going through your gear before you get in the field ensures everything is up to snuff when it counts, or when things go sideways. Image Copyright Steven Brutger, used with permission.
The faulty zipper that let the mosquitos in all night, keeping you up, unrested, unready. The tear in your rain shell from last seasons belly crawl. Forgotten after the elation of filling your tag, but now gaping open to the elements, letting the incessant rain soak your layers as you glass.
When the storm roles in, you want your gear to work. Image Copyright Steven Brutger, used with permission.
Now is the time. The time to fix those lingering issue in your hunting kit. Now, before the scout, before the stalk, before the hunt.
Now get out there and get hunting! Image Copyright Steven Brutger, used with permission.
Special thanks on this blog post to Steven Brutger of Stalking the Seam for the amazing images. Stalking the Seam is a great Blog and creative service that explores finding the "sweet-spot – the balance between passionate pursuits and happy home-lives." If your into Hunting, Fishing and Parenting, these guys will provide some humor, advice, food for thought and some great wild game recipes too. All images on this page copyright Steven Brutger, used with permission.